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Sound and Harp Therapy Balances Brain Hemispheres

Barbie Edwards • September 23, 2019

In my recent entries on Barbie Edwards facebook I shared a picture of the brain that associates different parts of the brain with sound and music. Check it out. I think it is pretty amazing the research they have been doing and the brain mapping.

To add to that, is what I have already found using the harps which in itself is pretty significant!

Sound and Harp Therapy Balances brain hemispheres. We have seen repeat­edly using harp ther­apy that these things hap­pen. Often peo­ple have said the proof was in the pud­ding. As you expe­ri­ence the harps you expe­ri­ence your brain going thru these changes we talked about here. Let us begin with Your brain has two hemi­spheres, left and right. Left hemi­sphere think­ing is sequen­tial, lin­ear, log­i­cal, prac­ti­cal, math­e­mat­i­cal, and time ori­ented. Right hemi­sphere think­ing is non-linear, intu­itive, abstract, big-picture focused, cre­ative, and space-oriented. Most peo­ple use one hemi­sphere more than the other, cre­at­ing an imbalance.

Numer­ous elec­troen­cephalo­graph (EEG) stud­ies have shown that humanity’s great­est philoso­phers, thinkers, inven­tors, and artists use both brain hemi­spheres together, in uni­son. Sound ther­apy works to bal­ance both hemi­spheres of the brain, forc­ing them to work in har­mony. Sci­en­tists call this “whole brain syn­chro­niza­tion” and when achieved, your brain expe­ri­ences extremely ben­e­fi­cial changes in hemi­spheric blood flow and chemistry.

The left and right hemi­spheres of your brain are con­nected by a bridge“a cable of nerves“called the cor­pus cal­lo­sum. This “grand junc­tion” of your brain is what gets trained and strength­ened when using this tech­nol­ogy until it actu­ally grows, mak­ing hemi­spheric com­mu­ni­ca­tion of thoughts, infor­ma­tion, and responses more effort­less, effi­cient, and pro­found. Over time, you will begin to notice your mind “flow­ing” like a river with pow­er­ful, insight­ful thoughts.

By inte­grat­ing both hemi­spheres of your brain and allow­ing them to work in sync, you will expe­ri­ence an increase in over­all men­tal health, enhanc­ing cog­ni­tive per­for­mance and intel­lec­tual func­tion­ing. This has an incred­i­ble effect on your life. Many of the people you see in these blogs reported experiencing these things without trying. This actually is one of the most lovely things about the harps, the best results come by us just letting it happen.

By Barbie Edwards May 20, 2020
FROM THE TIME YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING Till THE TIME YOU GO TO BED AT NIGHT YOU ARE DECIDING HOW YOU WILL SPEND YOUR TIME . YOU ARE ALSO DECIDING WHAT THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS YOU WILL LET FILL YOUR MIND AND AFFECT YOU AND YOU R EXPERIE NCE OF LIFE THIS DAY. You may not realize you are letting yourself be affected by everything around you but You are! You can choose to let yourself bring in more enlightening thoughts and actions. or you can run on default. You know you just get up and go about your normal business without having any input to where your mind and emotions go. Alot of things are affecting you. How is this working for you? TRY SOMETHING NEW! SOUND is everywhere and is affecting you! Sound is a powerful thought and emotion affecter from moment you get up every morning. If you were to Consciously deciding how you want your environment to affect you would be very powerful. Deciding how and where you want to spend your free time in- stead of letting it just pass by will change your life. Each of these are choices we get to make or they are made for us. Introduce into your life GAMECHANGERS! Situations and opportunites that will change you experiences and your life choices! For one, you might try PLAYING WITH SOME SOUND and see how it breaks up rigid thought forms and patterns. OPEN THE DOOR TO SOMETHING NEW. GO TO A SOUND BATH OR CHECK OUT OUR TUNINGS AND VIDEOS. THERAPYHARPS.COM BRINGS YOU THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO FREQUENCIES AND BEAUTY !
By Barbie Edwards May 23, 2019
When you work with the Barbie Edwards Therapy Harps, the therapy harps are assisting you in changing the frequencies at which you are resonating. The individual tunings of the therapy harps, each affect the person differently but each is altering what Greg Braden is referring to when he talks about us being “ electrical and magnetic waves of energy”. Frequency is what the harps are shifting. These frequencies are restructuring the waves of energy that are extending out from us. They are helping us create new experiences for ourselves. Since all we really are is frequency at the quantum level, who we are when we regularly play these harps dramatically changes. Many of the long-held emotionally limiting beliefs in our fields begin to disappear. They are replaced by these replenishing frequencies that are very healing to the essence of who we are. We begin to draw to us different people and different experiences that are more uplifting. We pull these to us because we are vibrating at a higher frequency. The frequencies of the Barbie Edwards’ therapyharps help clear the more dense frequencies that are continuing to recreating the limitations that we are experiencing. Greg Braden said “When we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, in the language of physics we’re creating the electrical and magnetic expression of them as waves of energy, which aren’t confined to our hearts or limited by the physical barrier of our skin and bones. So clearly we’re “speaking” to the world around us in each moment of every day through a language that has no words: the belief-waves of our hearts. In addition to pumping the blood of life within our bodies, we may think of the heart as a "bell" that is ringing out who we are to the world and it is responding back with matching frequencies." The therapy harp frequencies give us a chance to quickly and easily CHANGE WHAT WE ARE SENDING OUT AND SHIFT WHAT WE ARE MAGNETIZING BACK TO US. Each tuning will be very healing for everyone because they deal with different parts of our body matrix. Each of us will be drawn to specific ones because those tunings are drawing us in to heal the areas within our psyche and life that are ready to blossom and grow. Experiencing the harps on a regular basis is life changing. Allow the rich tones to act as a healing anchor to take you deeper into that inner you that yearns to burst forth and blossom. We look forward to hearing from you .
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