When you work with the Barbie Edwards Therapy Harps, the therapy harps are assisting you in changing the frequencies at which you are resonating. The individual tunings of the therapy harps, each affect the person differently but each is altering what Greg Braden is referring to when he talks about us being “ electrical and magnetic waves of energy”. Frequency is what the harps are shifting. These frequencies are restructuring the waves of energy that are extending out from us. They are helping us create new experiences for ourselves.
Since all we really are is frequency at the quantum level, who we are when we regularly play these harps dramatically changes. Many of the long-held emotionally limiting beliefs in our fields begin to disappear. They are replaced by these replenishing frequencies that are very healing to the essence of who we are. We begin to draw to us different people and different experiences that are more uplifting. We pull these to us because we are vibrating at a higher frequency. The frequencies of the Barbie Edwards’ therapyharps help clear the more dense frequencies that are continuing to recreating the limitations that we are experiencing.
Greg Braden said “When we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, in the language of physics we’re creating the electrical and magnetic expression of them as waves of energy, which aren’t confined to our hearts or limited by the physical barrier of our skin and bones.